· By Sebastian De Martini
Where can I buy HHC Vapes in Regensburg?
HHC products have become incredibly popular recently.
You can now find and legally purchase HHC vapes and flowers in most kiosks or gas stations in Regensburg.
However, you will usually find lower quality products in gas stations and, like everything in gas stations, HHC products are significantly more expensive there (usually almost double the price than online).
Some classic shisha/vape stores now also carry HHC products.
(If you already know about the effects of HHC, you can scroll down to the purchase recommendations directly via the general section)
Or you go directly to the STEAM FLOWER HHC SHOP
What are the positive effects of HHC?
Cannabis and HHC are often used for their numerous health benefits.
Here are some ailments that HHC/THC is most effective for:
For calming and problems falling asleep:
Like classic cannabis, HHC has a calming effect and helps with sleep disorders. Indica strains like OG KUSH are particularly suitable for this purpose. Since HHC docks onto the body's own cannabinoid receptors, HHC helps calm the body and makes it easier to fall asleep.
For pain:
HHC can make a significant contribution to relieving pain, especially in chronic illnesses and injuries, and can reduce the dose of classic opioid-based painkillers over time.
Against nausea and stomach problems:
HHC is known to be effective against nausea and vomiting and to relieve symptoms associated with chemotherapy or other medical treatments. For this purpose, sativa strains like BLUE DREAM or PURPLE PUNCH to be particularly suitable.
For depression and anxiety:
HHC can help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety by having a calming effect and boosting the body's serotonin supply. There are also increasing reports of the improved tolerance of HHC over classic THC in people who suffer from "paranoia" and panic attacks with normal cannabis use. For this reason, HHC continues to sell very well in the USA despite the widespread legality of classic THC.
However, it is important to note that further studies are needed to clearly assess the effectiveness and safety of cannabis and HHC.
How strong is HHC compared to THC?
The potency of HHC is difficult to quantify because intoxicating experiences are perceived rather subjectively.
It is generally believed that HHC has approximately 60%-80% of the potency of THC.
The ratio of 9R & 9S HHC seems to play a big role, as the 9R variant is able to dock much better with CB1.
Standard is usually 50:50 ratio. High quality pens usually have a higher proportion of 9R HHC (see Delta Munchies LAB 65% 9R)
How long does HHC keep you high?
The duration of action is similar to normal THC, around 3-8 hours. However, a lot depends on your tolerance and constitution. If you have a high tolerance, the duration of action is shortened like with normal cannabis. Of course, a lot also depends on how you consumed HHC. Orally, i.e. eaten, it takes much longer to be absorbed and metabolized and therefore the duration of action is extended.
Can you overdose from HHC?
As with THC, there is NO risk of fatal overdose.
HHC does not have a respiratory depressant effect and a lethal dose is not known or not within a realistic range.
However, that doesn't mean that HHC is completely harmless. As with cannabis, too high a dose of HHC can cause a negative intoxicating experience.
We particularly often hear from people who underestimate HHC because they think that a legally available cannabinoid cannot possibly have a similarly strong effect as THC... well... but it does :D
Therefore, always be careful when handling HHC and do not underestimate it, especially if you are not used to cannabis. Like THC, HHC can easily overwhelm untrained users if the “correct” dosage is exceeded.
However, vape pens are very suitable for inexperienced consumers, as when vaping, the amount of HHC absorbed can be easily tracked and adjusted using individual puffs of the same length.
Unlike edibles (the effect is delayed after 1-2 hours), the effect of HHC vapes occurs almost immediately and can therefore be assessed more easily and directly.
What is HHC grass? Which is better, HHC Grass or HHC Vapes?
Most CBD/HHC shops online also sell HHC flowers in addition to HHC vapes. But what does it mean? What are HHC flowers actually?
Unfortunately, HHC flowers do not come from cannabis plants that produce HHC instead of THC.
In reality, these types of flowers are simply THC-free or CBD-dominant strains that are sprayed with an HHC solution after harvest. This makes them neither safer nor more natural than HHC in vape form. On the contrary. In order to distribute the HHC evenly across the flowers, various solvents and diluents must be used. This is neither good nor natural.
For vape pens with live extracts, however, natural THC extract from a normal cannabis plant is the starting material. The THC in the extract is then converted into HHC using a simple process and then used directly.
Are HHC edibles any good?
Of course, whether you would like HHC gummy bears or cookies depends mainly on your personal preferences and, above all, your experience. As with THC, the effect of HHC taken orally is quite different from that of smoked or vaporized HHC.
The effect is often described as much more psychedelic and intense, even trippy. In addition, it is not easy to find the right dose - especially if, as an occasional user, you only have a few comparison values to rely on. The problem with oral consumption is the absorption time. It can take a good 45 minutes to 1.5 hours for the effect of HHC to begin to develop after taking it. Depending on whether you take it on a full or empty stomach. This means that it is relatively difficult to re-dose if necessary because by the time the 2nd dose is fully effective, the first dose has already worn off significantly.
Or people think after an hour that they don't notice anything and take another dose, even though the first dose was sufficient - but had not yet started to take full effect. This can easily lead to a rather unpleasant experience, especially for inexperienced users. However, it is important to say again that too high a dose of HHC is certainly unpleasant and the potential psychological consequences are very difficult to generalize - What is certain, however, is that too high a dose of HHC (also THC) does not have a respiratory depression and therefore no There is a risk of fatal respiratory arrest (such as with opioids).
Is HHC a legal alternative to THC?
This question is of course very important to us at Dampfblume. To answer them, I think it's important to see who's asking.
Ask someone who would like to get high after work every now and then, but doesn't want to deal with the black market and illegality. For him we can answer this question with a clear yes. HHC's effect is very similar to that of THC; the substance is legal to possess and can be purchased legally. This makes it an ideal alternative to THC, which is still illegal.
However, if someone asks someone who has been banned from consuming cannabis by court orders, I would no longer answer the question so clearly with a yes.
Yes, it's true, HHC is legal. However, it is not yet sufficiently clear whether and how rapid urine tests or urine laboratory analyzes react to the presence of HHC.
Since the answer to this question is very important to us, we started to examine the problem in more detail some time ago.
We will carry out various series of tests to find out whether and which urine tests react positively for HHC.
However, it is not always easy to find suitable test subjects for such test series. However, we are working on it - the first results are promising. More on that soon.
In my opinion, the answer to the question of whether HHC is a good legal alternative to THC can be clearly YES. Especially in vape form, HHC is a wonderful legal alternative to regular cannabis as it neither smells nor looks noticeable.
Are HHC vapes legal in Germany?
You can legally purchase HHC vapes in Germany for recreational use. We will see how the legal situation develops. Some EU countries have included HHC in their regulations and thus banned it.
In Germany, however, HHC is not subject to the BtMG or “FAA?” and is therefore legal. Like I said, we'll see. As long as the shop is online, HHC is still legal in Germany.
Where can you find the best HHC vapes in Regensburg ?
What the best vapes are depends on a few different factors. The most important are:
If you compare the prices from different providers, pay attention to the capacity (usually 0.5ml/1ml/2ml) and the purity of the extract used (50%-99%).
This way you get the best value for money.
Seller Reputation:
Customer reviews and feedback are a good way to assess a seller's reputation. But whether a seller provides laboratory analyzes also says a lot about the competence of your dealer.
This is probably the most important factor. The conversion of THC to HHC is in principle a very simple and harmless process. However, to speed up the process, some manufacturers use catalysts that, if not removed properly and carefully, end up in your vapes and then in your lungs.
Pesticides and toxins that are left behind when the plants used are grown improperly can also end up in your vapes.
That's why it's essential to only purchase your products from sellers who specifically ensure that they only sell HHC of the highest quality. You can be safest if you can view laboratory analyzes from independent laboratories at your dealer, such as here: LABORATORY ANALYSIS
Which variety is best for you depends on many subjective feelings. Some prefer live extracts that contain the natural terpene profile of the plant and taste like the respective strains - others prefer fruit flavors. There is no better or worse. Different strains also work differently on different people. Although a general description of the strain can be derived, exactly how it affects you depends very much on factors such as tolerance and set & setting.
Buy HHC Vapes in Regensburg now
As already mentioned, you can now buy HHC Vapes directly in many gas stations and vape shops in Regensburg and hope that the shop has taken the time to look for the best quality from the hundreds of different brands instead of just buying the products with the best profit margin choose.
But if you want to be sure that you get good quality, then it's best to order directly from Dampfblume in Regensburg your HHC vapes.
We offer you the best prices and definitely the best quality.
You can easily do so Visa, Mastercard or instant transfer pay.
We ship from Germany - in most cases, orders received before 12 noon are in your mailboxes the next day
If you would still like to buy HHC Pens in your area but no one offers them, just write to us info@dampfblume.de - we will then contact your kiosk.