You can see and hear about HHC everywhere lately. You can see them in gas stations, tobacco shops and smoke shops - usually discreetly placed on the sides, next to classic nicotine vapes and pods.
It is celebrated in the media as a legal alternative to cannabis or THC.
But we hear the same questions again and again:

Does HHC actually work like THC? Does HHC get you stoned?

In a country like Germany, with its repressive attitude towards cannabis, most people are completely surprised and disbelieving when they hear HHC works like cannabis and ask themselves, is HHC really legal?
That's why in the following article we want to take a closer look at the effects of HHC and see whether HHC is really a legal alternative to THC, how strong HHC works compared to THC and much more.

What is HHC? How long has HHC existed? And where does HHC suddenly come from?

A few years ago, HHC was only known to die-hard cannabis lovers; very few had any experience with it. Although HHC was first discovered and isolated from the cannabis plant by the chemist Roger Adams in 1940, this compound, which is structurally very similar to THC, enjoyed little popularity.
But with the legal cannabis boom in the USA and the associated oversupply of THC, HHC was rediscovered by resourceful business people in the young cannabis industry.
Using a relatively simple process, THC, which is still illegal in most of the world, was converted into HHC, a cannabinoid that is legal to possess, buy and sell in most European countries.


Yes, HHC vapes in particular are definitely legal in Germany. We'll see how the legal situation develops. Some EU countries have included HHC in their regulations and thus banned it.
In Germany, however, HHC is not subject to the BtMG and is therefore legal - legal to buy, own and consume. However, that can change relatively quickly. Like I said, we'll see. As long as the shop is online, HHC vapes are still legal in Germany.
Things are different with HHC flowers and HHC hash. Any cannabis flower intended for abuse is illegal, even if the THC content is below the established limit.

Does HHC really get you high?

A CLEAR YES to this!! 😀 Many people assume that because it is legal it can't possibly be particularly strong and we often hear that customers clearly underestimate the effect the first time and then after a few puffs they are totally surprised when they realize how potent HHC is and how similar HHC and THC are works.

Woman with HHC Vape unnoticed on the beach

How does HHC work compared to THC?

You always hear that HHC works like THC, and that HHC is one of the few good alternatives to THC. We constantly get feedback from people who are excited because they can't believe how similar HHC and THC are.
This can definitely be confirmed pharmacologically. Like THC, it binds to the body's own cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. In general, it can be said that HHC is very similar to its closest relative THC, not only structurally but also in terms of its effects.
Yes, in my personal experience, HHC's effect can hardly be distinguished from normal THC. As a cannabis lover for many years, I have to honestly say that if I were blind, I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the effects of the two.

How does HHC affect the psyche?

HHC can help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety by having a calming effect and boosting the body's serotonin supply. Indica strains like OG KUSH from Delta Munchies are particularly suitable for this.

There are also increasing reports of the improved tolerance of HHC over classic THC in people who suffer from "paranoia" and panic attacks with normal cannabis use.
For this reason, HHC continues to sell very well in the USA despite the widespread legality of classic THC.

However, it is important to note that further studies are needed to clearly assess the effectiveness and safety of cannabis and HHC.
In general, in connection with cannabis, it should always be mentioned that people who suffer from mental illnesses or have a family history of schizoid illnesses should tend to be particularly careful - not only with HHC, but when consuming any psychoactive substances. Diseases of this type can often lie hidden for years.
HHC can also help with lethargy and listlessness . Sativa strains in particular are known to be stimulating and inspiring and are often used to stimulate creativity. Our sativa pens like Blue Dream from Delta Munchies are particularly suitable for this


The potency of HHC is difficult to quantify because intoxicating experiences are perceived rather subjectively.
It is generally believed that HHC has approximately 60%-80% of the potency of THC. However, in practice there is little that can be derived from this.
From my personal, subjective experience, I would say that HHC and THC are very similar in potency. 5 puffs from one of our vapes feels very similar to 5 puffs from an average strength joint.
In addition, the ratio of 9R & 9S HHC seems to play a role, as the 9R variant is able to dock to the CB1 receptor much better.
Standard is usually a racemate, i.e. a ratio of 50:50. High quality pens usually have a higher proportion of 9R HHC ( see Delta Munchies LAB 65% 9R )


The duration of action is similar to normal THC, around 3-8 hours. However, a lot depends on your tolerance and constitution. If you have a high tolerance, the duration of action is shortened like with normal cannabis. Of course, a lot also depends on how you consumed HHC. Orally, i.e. eaten, it takes much longer to be absorbed and metabolized and therefore the duration of action is extended. (see table)

HHC duration of action and onset of action Comparison Edibles Smoked Vaped


As with THC, there is NO risk of fatal overdose.

HHC does not have a respiratory depressant effect and a lethal dose is not known or not within a realistic range.
However, that doesn't mean that HHC is completely safe. As with cannabis, too high a dose of HHC can cause a negative intoxicating experience.
We particularly often hear from people who underestimate HHC because they think that a legally available cannabinoid cannot possibly have a similarly strong effect as THC... well... but it does :D
Therefore, always be careful when handling HHC and do not underestimate it, especially if you are not used to cannabis. Like THC, HHC can easily overwhelm untrained users if the “correct” dosage is exceeded.

However, vape pens are very suitable for inexperienced consumers, as when vaping, the amount of HHC absorbed can be easily tracked and adjusted using individual, equally long puffs.
Unlike edibles (onset of action delayed after 1-2 hours), the effect of HHC vapes occurs almost immediately and can therefore be assessed more easily and directly.

How does HHC work in dogs? Does HHC even work on dogs and pets?

We are often asked what effect HHC has on dogs. We suspect people either have dogs at home that are suffering from pain, stomach problems, or inflammation, or they are concerned about passive inhalation of HHC smoke.
How often can one say that HHC should also have a similar effect to cannabis on dogs. However, dogs lack a prefrontal cortex, which essentially gives us humans the ability to perceive intoxicating experiences for what they are and therefore as pleasant.
One can assume that the limited and altered perception could potentially cause fear to animals, but it is difficult to say more precisely. To be on the safe side, you may want to avoid giving your pets HHC, even though the danger involved is probably very small.
The anti-inflammatory component of HHC should potentially be similarly effective in dogs.

HHC in the presence of dogs and cats

What is the difference between 40% HHC and 99% HHC?

Is 40% HHC a lot?

This answer is difficult to give a general answer.
This value indicates whether it is pure HHC extracts or whether the HHC has been diluted with propylene glycol or vegetable glycol. Intuitively, as an inexperienced consumer you might think that it would be better to buy a less concentrated product at the beginning. However, these are usually products of significantly lower quality. These additives are usually mixed to make processing, production and consumption easier. However, at the expense of quality.
The highest quality HHC preparations are live extracts. They contain 99% HHC and are made directly from THC extracts of the corresponding variety and are not diluted. A good example is the HHC vapes from Delta Munchies. They only use live extracts - you can definitely taste it.

The question of whether 40% HHC is a lot cannot be answered in this way. What can be said is that 99% HHC is definitely higher quality because it has not been diluted.

How long does 1ml HHC last?
How many puffs of HHC until the effect occurs?

Unfortunately, both cannot be answered in general terms. How long you can get high from 1ml of HHC depends entirely on your tolerance. As a general rule, it can be said that there are around 500-600 puffs per 1 ml. This lasts a relatively long time for most people, as the full effect occurs after just a few puffs.

What you should pay attention to when ordering HHC:

If you compare the prices from different providers, pay attention to the capacity (usually 0.5ml/1ml/2ml) and the purity of the extract used (50%-99%).
This way you get the best value for money.

Seller Reputation:
Customer reviews and feedback are a good way to assess a seller's reputation. But whether a seller provides laboratory analyzes also says a lot about the competence of your dealer.

This is probably the most important factor. The conversion of THC to HHC is in principle a very simple and harmless process. However, in the end, catalysts must be removed professionally and carefully so that they do not end up in your vapes and then in your lungs.
That's why it's essential to only purchase your products from sellers who only sell HHC of the highest quality. You can be safest if you can view laboratory analyzes from independent laboratories at your dealer, such as here: LABORATORY ANALYZES

Which variety is best for you depends on many subjective feelings. Some prefer live extracts that contain the natural terpene profile of the plant and taste like the respective strains - for example the Delta Munchies series from the USA, others prefer fruit flavors like the vapes from Eighty8 . There is no better or worse - just personal preference. Different strains also work differently on different people. Although a general description of the strain can be derived, exactly how it affects you depends very much on factors such as tolerance and set & setting.

Is HHC a legal alternative to THC?

This question is of course very important to us at Dampfblume. To answer them, I think it's important to see who's asking.
Ask someone who would like to get high after work every now and then, but doesn't want to deal with the black market and illegality. For him we can answer this question with a clear yes. HHC's effect is very similar to that of THC; the substance is legal to possess and can be purchased legally. This makes it an ideal alternative to THC, which is still illegal.

However, if someone asks someone who has been banned from consuming cannabis by court orders, I would no longer answer the question so clearly with a yes.
Yes, it's true, HHC is legal. However, it is not yet sufficiently clear whether and how rapid urine tests or urine laboratory analyzes react to the presence of HHC.

Since the answer to this question is very important to us, we started to examine the problem in more detail some time ago.
We will carry out various series of tests to find out whether and which urine tests react positively for HHC.
However, it is not always easy to find suitable test subjects for such test series. However, we are working on it - the first results are promising. More on that soon.

In my opinion, the answer to the question of whether HHC is a good legal alternative to THC can be clearly YES. Especially in vape form, HHC is a wonderful legal alternative to regular cannabis as it neither smells nor looks noticeable.


In summary, the question of whether HHC gets you high can be answered with a definite YES. With everything about it :D
HHC is not only structurally very similar to THC.
For most people, HHC can hardly be distinguished from THC in terms of its mode of action. On the other hand, HHC vapes are completely inconspicuous and do not give off any tell-tale smell. I always have my pen with me when I'm on the go, whether at the cinema or at work. He is my constant, inconspicuous companion.
In my opinion, HHC is actually a good and, above all, legal alternative to THC and cannabis.

If you have any further questions, please write to us at any time at info@dampfblume.de

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Delivery time: 2-3 working days / discreetly packaged
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